
6 Tips for Dental Veneer Aftercare

6 Tips for Dental Veneer Aftercare

6 Tips for Dental Veneer Aftercare

What are tips for dental veneer aftercare?

  1. Wear a mouth guard if you’re into contact sports
  2. Refrain from grinding your teeth
  3. Avoid chewing excessively hard foods
  4. Watch your intake of drinks that can stain teeth
  5. Stick to an oral care routine
  6. Schedule cleaning appointments regularly


If you have recently gotten your new veneers from a dental clinic in BGC Taguig, you would know how fulfilling it is to finally be able to transform your smile. After all, veneers can significantly fix stained and crooked teeth! That’s why if you want to keep your pearly whites for as long as you can, you only need to follow the right dental veneer aftercare tips. Continue reading to learn more.


Wear A Mouth Guard If You’re into Contact Sports

Even if veneers are made to last an extremely long time, you might shorten their lifespan if you constantly expose them to extreme pressure. That’s you might need additional protection if you frequently play contact sports.

Physical activities such as mixed martial arts, wrestling, boxing, and soccer will expose your new teeth to accidental blows. If done repeatedly over a long period, even your natural teeth would eventually crack! For this reason, it is recommended to wear a dentist-made mouth guard if you’re an athlete.


Refrain from Grinding Your Teeth

Refrain From Grinding Your Teeth

But even if you’re not into contact sports, there are still some damaging habits you need to get rid of—such as grinding your teeth. Some of you might unknowingly do this while you’re sleeping. Because of this, you need to wear a night splint that is made to protect teeth from grinding.

Aside from that, teeth grinding is also common for people who are stressed and anxious. To cope with these emotions, you might habitually bite on your pencils and fingernails to release tension. Unfortunately, even if you didn’t have veneers, you could easily ruin your teeth with this bad habit.


Avoid Chewing Excessively Hard Foods

Because teeth grinding can ruin your veneers, it also means that you should be careful when consuming hard foods. If you constantly chew on ice, hard candy, or tough meat, the increased biting force could eventually lead to cracks not just on your veneers but also on your natural teeth.

Instead of biting into hard foods, make it a habit to cut them down into pieces. That means slicing your apples and using your knife and fork when eating steak. When it comes to food packets and beer bottles, don’t attempt to open them with your teeth.


Watch Your Intake of Drinks That Can Stain Teeth

Watch Your Intake Of Drinks That Can Stain Teeth

Aside from your favorite meats, another aspect of your diet that needs to be slightly modified is your consumption of colorful drinks. Coffee, tea, wine, and cola have properties that can stain both natural teeth and composite veneers when consumed on a daily basis. When drinking these beverages, you can use a straw or rinse your mouth afterward.


Stick to an Oral Care Routine

Although staining can be prevented with the proper diet, it doesn’t mean that you can neglect your oral care routine. Even though you have a beautiful new smile, you don’t want to develop tooth decay and gum disease if you become complacent.

To keep your new veneers in the best condition, it is recommended to use dental floss first to get rid of the plaque between teeth before brushing. Aim to brush your teeth at least twice daily. When doing so, allocate 2 minutes of your time to clean the gums, teeth, and tongue. To finish it off, swish mouthwash for 30 seconds to rinse.


Schedule Cleaning Appointments Regularly

Schedule Cleaning Appointments Regularly

In addition to an oral care routine, it is also recommended to have dental cleaning maintenance. Because if you don’t brush and floss properly, you might have a plaque that has hardened into tartar between your teeth and along your gum line.

Aside from that, your dentist can also check for any problems with your veneers early on. This way, they can repair the issue immediately and extend the life of your new smile.


Key Takeaway

If you’re hesitant to get this treatment because you fear complicated maintenance, the good news is that dental veneer aftercare is simple and manageable. All you need to do is protect them from external forces that can cause damage, consume foods that require less biting force, drink teeth-staining beverages moderately, and maintain consistent oral hygiene—which are habits that you need to implement even if you don’t have veneers.

Aside from that, our dentists here at Casipit Dental Group can also help you spot problems early on with regular appointments. They can also offer useful dental veneer aftercare tips if you’re planning to have this treatment for the first time. If you’re looking for experienced doctors with training in cosmetic dentistry, you can click here to schedule an appointment today!

“Good location and the clinic was very clean and posh – not your typical / traditional dental clinic so doesn’t look intimidating 🙂 Instruments and equipment were very clean and modern too – and you can watch Netflix during your procedure.”

Nicole Macanip
Nicole Macanip

“I had an incredible experience at Elevate. I’ve been visiting them since they were at their previous spot, and since then, they’ve just improved immensely. From the moment you step in until you step out, they make you feel welcome and at home. The entire experience felt so personalized and professional, and I’ve honestly never been to another dental clinic that treated me that way.”

Myrjam Hannah Mercado
Myrjam Hannah Mercado

“I had been interested in porcelain veneers for years but was always apprehensive of the cost here in the US. When I knew I’d be back in the Philippines for a few weeks in Feb 2023, I started searching for top cosmetic dentists in the BGC area. I found Elevate and I’m so happy I did. I booked my consultation prior to my trip and then booked subsequent appointments during my consultation and now – I couldn’t be happier with my new smile 😃.”

Chris Cole
Chris Cole

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