Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery
This area of dentistry is concerned with fixing complications or damage to the mouth, teeth, and jaw. Oral Surgery is commonly performed to remove decayed teeth, wisdom teeth, prepare the mouth for dentures, and repair jaw problems.
Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its bone socket.
Teeth that are broken or decayed can be restored with a filling, crown, or other dental treatment, but sometimes the damage is too severe to repair and extraction will be the best treatment.
Reasons why extraction might be necessary:
- Decay has reached deep into the nerve
- Infection has destroyed a large portion of the tooth or the surrounding bone
- There isn’t enough room for all the teeth in your mouth
- Extra teeth block other teeth from erupting
- Baby teeth don’t fall out in time for the permanent teeth to erupt
- People getting braces or other orthodontic treatment may need teeth extracted to create room for the teeth that will be moved into place.
- Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are often extracted either before or after they come in during the late teens or early 20s.
Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars. They usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25 and usually the last set of teeth to erupt, and they’re spotted on routine panoramic x-rays.
Reasons to have 3rd molars removed are:
- They’re impacted. They can be trapped in your jawbone or gums, which can be painful.
- They come in at the wrong angle. They may press against your other teeth.
- Your jaw has no room for an extra set of molars.
- You have cavities or gum disease. You may not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or dental floss.
Tooth Removal
Indications for extraction of deciduous teeth:
- Badly decayed teeth that cannot be restored
- Over retained primary teeth preventing eruption of permanent successor
- Infection of periapical area
- For orthodontic purpose
- Supernumerary teeth
- Impacted teeth
Procedure for
Dental Surgery
During Dental Surgery Your surgery should take a minimum of 45 minutes.
- You’ll get one of these types of anesthesia so you don’t feel pain during the removal:
- Local Anesthesia – Your doctor will numb the area of the tooth to be extracted with a shot of Epinephrine. This will take effect after a few minutes.
- IV sedation – The surgeon will numb the area of the tooth to be extracted and also give you drugs through a vein in your arm to make you drowsy. You might sleep during the whole procedure.
- Teeth Removal
Visualization and instrument access will play a role in the removal of your wisdom teeth. The gums will be cut to expose the tooth or bone. Bone reduction and tooth sectioning/splitting will be done to remove impacted wisdom teeth. Sutures will then be placed after the procedure and the patient is scheduled for suture removal and check-up after 7-10 days .Post-operative instructions and medications will be advised accordingly.
After Dental Surgery, the local anesthetic takes time to wear off. During this time, it is best to get home and rest before the discomfort sets in. Depending on the case, you might be able to go to work after several days. You can resume normal activities as tolerated and expect the discomfort and swelling to last for 3-5 days. The surgical site will require a few weeks to heal. It is important to follow the post op instructions for a quicker recovery.
Here are some tips for the
first 3 days after surgery
Use an ice pack on your face to curb swelling or skin color changes Use moist heat for a sore jaw Gently open and close your mouth to exercise your jaw Eat soft foods like pasta, rice, or soup Drink plenty of fluids Brush your teeth starting the second day. Don’t brush against any blood clots Take the drugs your doctor prescribes to ease pain or swelling Call your doctor if you have a fever, or if your pain or swelling doesn’t improve.
Don’t drink through a straw. Sucking may loosen blood clots that help your mouth heal Don’t rinse your mouth too harshly. Your doctor may suggest rinsing gently with saltwater Avoid strenuous activities Don’t eat hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that may scratch your wounds Don’t smoke. Smoking can slow your healing.