
Crooked Teeth: What Causes Them And Its Treatment

Crooked Teeth: What Causes Them And Its Treatment

Crooked Teeth: What Causes Them And Its Treatment

Causes of crooked teeth

What are some of the causes of crooked teeth?

  1. Genetics
  2. Jaw size
  3. Trauma
  4. Thumb sucking or pacifier use
  5. Tongue Thrusting
  6. Excess tooth/teeth

Having a straight and beautiful smile can do wonders for your self-confidence and leave a positive impression on others. However, many individuals face crooked teeth, which not only affects the appearance of their smile but also their oral health.

This article will explore the causes of crooked teeth and discuss the available treatment options to help you achieve a beautiful, healthier, and more confident smile.

Crooked teeth can be attributed to a variety of factors, ranging from genetics to habits and developmental issues. Understanding these causes can provide valuable insights into the best course of treatment for your specific case. So, let’s dive into its most common causes and explore the solutions that modern dentistry has to offer.


Just like eye color and hair texture, the alignment of your teeth can be influenced by your genetic makeup. If your parents or close relatives have had crooked teeth, there is a higher chance that you may experience the same dental issue.

While you can’t change your genes, modern orthodontics can make wonders treatments that can effectively correct misalignment and improve your smile.

Jaw Size

Sometimes, crooked teeth are the result of an insufficient amount of space in the jaw. When the jaw is too small to accommodate all the teeth adequately, crowding can occur, leading to misalignment.

There are various orthodontic treatments that can gradually shift the teeth into their ideal positions, creating a more harmonious and straight smile.



Something that you can’t control is accidents or injuries to the mouth or jaw that can cause teeth to become misaligned. Whether it’s a sports-related incident or a fall, trauma may disrupt the proper alignment of teeth.

If you’ve experienced dental trauma, it’s important to seek prompt dental care to assess the damage and determine the appropriate treatment plan, which may involve orthodontic intervention.

Thumb Sucking or Pacifier Use

Extended thumb sucking or prolonged pacifier use can affect teeth alignment, especially in children whose teeth are still developing. The constant pressure applied by thumb sucking or pacifier use can cause the teeth to shift out of position or alter the shape of the dental arch.

Early intervention and guidance from a dentist or orthodontist can help address these habits that may harm your teeth and minimize their impact on dental alignment.

Tongue Thrusting

Tongue thrusting is a habit where the tongue pushes against the teeth forcefully while swallowing or speaking. This habit can create significant pressure on the teeth, causing them to move out of alignment over time. Luckily, an orthodontist can evaluate the extent of the issue and recommend appropriate orthodontic treatment to realign the teeth and correct tongue posture.

Excess Tooth/Teeth


Having an extra tooth or teeth, commonly known as supernumerary teeth, can disrupt the proper alignment of adjacent teeth. These additional teeth may cause crowding and misalignment, requiring orthodontic treatment to create space and realign the affected teeth.

A dental professional can assess the situation and develop a personalized treatment plan to address the excess teeth and achieve optimal dental alignment.

The Best Treatment for Crooked Teeth: Your Path to a Confident Smile

If you have crooked teeth, you may be wondering about the best treatment options available to straighten them and achieve a confident, beautiful smile. Fortunately, advancements in dental technology have made it possible to correct misaligned teeth effectively. From traditional braces to modern orthodontic solutions, there are various treatment approaches tailored to suit different needs and preferences.

Elevate Dental offers a range of effective treatments to give you a smile makeover that will give you the confidence you deserve. Let’s explore some of the best treatment options we have available for crooked teeth:


Braces have been a tried-and-true method for correcting crooked teeth for decades. They consist of metal brackets and wires that gently apply pressure to move your teeth into their desired positions.

While the idea of braces might seem scary at first, our friendly team ensures that your experience is as comfortable and pleasant as possible. This orthodontic solution offers precise control over tooth movement and can effectively address complex alignment issues, giving you a beautifully aligned smile.


If the thought of visible braces makes you hesitant, Invisalign might be the perfect solution for you. These clear aligners are custom-made to fit perfectly over your teeth and gradually shift them into alignment.

Invisalign aligners are almost invisible, making them an ideal choice for those who want a more discreet treatment option. They are also removable, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and maintain optimal oral hygiene with ease. Our expert team will guide you through the Invisalign process and how to maintain them, ensuring that your treatment is tailored to your unique needs.

Dental Veneers

In some cases, fixing your crooked teeth can be for cosmetics, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you have minor misalignment that primarily affects the appearance of your smile, dental veneers may be an excellent option for you.

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth, instantly transforming their appearance. They can effectively correct the appearance of crooked teeth, giving you a beautifully straight smile without the need for orthodontic treatment.

Key Takeaway

With the advancements in modern dentistry, there are effective treatments available to straighten your smile and restore your self-esteem. At Elevate Dental, our friendly and professional team is dedicated to providing you with the best treatment for your crooked teeth. Whether you choose traditional braces, Invisalign, active retainers, or dental veneers, we will work closely with you to create a personalized smile makeover that meets your specific needs.

Don’t let crooked teeth hold you back from smiling confidently. Contact us today to schedule a consultation in one of our dental clinics in BGC Taguig and take the first step towards a straighter, more radiant smile. We’re here to make your dental journey comfortable, enjoyable, and rewarding.

“Good location and the clinic was very clean and posh – not your typical / traditional dental clinic so doesn’t look intimidating 🙂 Instruments and equipment were very clean and modern too – and you can watch Netflix during your procedure.”

Nicole Macanip
Nicole Macanip

“I had an incredible experience at Elevate. I’ve been visiting them since they were at their previous spot, and since then, they’ve just improved immensely. From the moment you step in until you step out, they make you feel welcome and at home. The entire experience felt so personalized and professional, and I’ve honestly never been to another dental clinic that treated me that way.”

Myrjam Hannah Mercado
Myrjam Hannah Mercado

“I had been interested in porcelain veneers for years but was always apprehensive of the cost here in the US. When I knew I’d be back in the Philippines for a few weeks in Feb 2023, I started searching for top cosmetic dentists in the BGC area. I found Elevate and I’m so happy I did. I booked my consultation prior to my trip and then booked subsequent appointments during my consultation and now – I couldn’t be happier with my new smile 😃.”

Chris Cole
Chris Cole

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